
How to share posts to my Facebook page from other pages

You have more Facebook pages and want to share post from one to another or you just want to share post from other page to your Facebook page. It is very easy to do it so just follow instructions.

Find and open a post you want to share on your page

First step is to open a page where you found a source post, go to that post and on bottom of it just click on share. After clicking on it you will find few options like sharing this post to your account, to others people timeline or to send it as message. Last option is what you need – Share to a Page.

Share post to a Facebook page
After clicking on Share to a Page new pop-up window will be opened where you will be able to select one from your pages as destination page where you want this post to be shared.
You also have option to add your own text (comment on that post) and to include original post text.

In this sample I have selected my Facebook page, placed some text and didn’t Include original post.

This is how it look when post was shared on my Facebook page

post shared on Facebook page

Now let’s see how it look when shared without adding any text to post but with including original post

And with that kind of sharing post shared on page will look like:

As you can see it looks a bit different. Main difference is that in this case original page that shared this post is presented in your post.

Sharing Facebook post to your website

If you want to present any Facebook post as part of your blog, website or landing page there is a simple option to get embed code from that post and place that code on your website.

Process also starts by finding a post you want to share and clicking on small 3 dots on top right side of the post.

share Facebook post to website

After clicking on Embed you need to copy codeĀ 

After copying that code you need to paste it on your website as part of html code. How this works depends on platform your website is built on so I’ll not show it here but generally it is simple html code that should be pasted where you want to show it.

Here is example of how I did it

I hope it helped to learn how to easily share post from one page to another and to place it on your website. If you have any question about it or would like me to explain something else please write me on my email